For more and more aspiring business owners, the long leap from employment to entrepreneurship will begin with a franchise. After all, a ready-made business that already has a product with proven appeal guarantees less start-up pains.
A sound franchise business comes with a number of systems already in place and which the franchisee merely needs to implement.
The more successful enterprises include manuals, each one spelling out the procedures to be followed in the key functional areas of operations, marketing, training and the like, according to Tess Ngan Tian, president and co-founder of Lots’A Pizza (LAP).
Tess points out that it was her husband Ed, Lots’A Pizza chair, who pushed that they create a pizza that would appeal to mid-income value seekers wishing to bring home something delicious and filling to their families on their way home from work.
A sound franchise business comes with a number of systems already in place and which the franchisee merely needs to implement.
The more successful enterprises include manuals, each one spelling out the procedures to be followed in the key functional areas of operations, marketing, training and the like, according to Tess Ngan Tian, president and co-founder of Lots’A Pizza (LAP).
Tess points out that it was her husband Ed, Lots’A Pizza chair, who pushed that they create a pizza that would appeal to mid-income value seekers wishing to bring home something delicious and filling to their families on their way home from work.