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Thursday, May 28, 2009

CCTV Security Camera Guide

There are a few basics about CCTV security cameras when deciding to protect your home and family. CCTV cameras come in two forms. They are either CMOS or CCD cameras and are differentiated by the image sensor. CMOS based cameras are cheaper but produce a lower quality image than the CCD camera.

To determine the best security camera for your needs, you must first determine what your needs are. A camera that can single out faces in an outdoor crowd on a cloudy day is very different from a camera that is used to monitor general activity inside an office lobby.

There is a difference in cameras designed for indoor versus outdoor use. There are additional durability standards that the camera would need to ensure it survives the harsh conditions, unlike an indoor security camera.

The overall size of your security system, including the number of cameras you will need, will determine your spending ceiling. If it was just one camera you might spend a little extra for extra features, for example higher resolution. But across a 20 camera system that little extra you spend per camera will definitely add up to some serious money. Your budget will directly impact your buying decision and needs to be sufficient for the right cameras to adequately serve your needs.

The lighting in the area to be monitored by your security camera is another important consideration. A high quality camera designed for daytime use installed in a low light environment won't be able to render anything more than shades of black. If that is the case you will need flood lights or some other source of lighting in the area.

For nigh scenes, black and white cameras are recommended since they can deliver sharper images in low light settings. There are also day/night outdoor cameras with lighting sensors that adjust the camera for optimal recording at different lighting levels.

There are also night vision cameras for true low light recording. Take a look at the Lux rating. The lower the Lux rating the less light the camera requires. Cameras with a Lux rating of 0 are designed for complete darkness.

A cameras resolution measures the sharpness of the image the camera will capture; higher resolution, higher quality image. Entry level cameras start at resolutions of 330 lines upward to 400 lines in higher quality cameras.

When it comes to recording the video feed from the camera, most people will do with the DVR, which stands for digital video recorder. In more advanced monitoring systems there are controls for panning and zooming the camera in real-time to get closeups or follow a particular object.

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