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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fashion Ideas For Real Women

While looking at magazine covers or advertisements, one sees similar looking women. All the models and actresses are the similar in size, similar in shape, and you sometimes marvel how they are supposed to picture the common woman.

The common woman has varied shapes and sizes encircling women who have curved shapes, to those who are bony. Women vary in height, and not all of them are surpassingly tall like all the models. While it is known that the fashion industry opts to choose the women that they feel project a shape, women should look like, they do not consider that projecting the latest fashions on these figures does not in any way guide us understand how it would look like on us.

Here are some guidelines that can help you abide by the modern trends in your clothes.

1. Heels

High heels are back in fashion. The fashion shows for the spring lines were filled up with ridiculously high heels that actually had models falling all over the place. While no one is suggesting you get an eight-inch heel, it is however, recommended that you get one excellent black and one excellent nude heel that fits you well and looks great on you. If you are tall, you can opt for something in the three or four inch range, and if you are short, you can go as high as you are comfortable with. If you are wearing a skirt, wearing a nude heel will instantly give your legs a slimmer look.

2. Skinny Jeans:

Everyone is talking about skinny jeans; and wants to have one to try them on. There is a simple method for these, if you have the appropriate legs, show off them. Women who have toned legs should feel not hesitate in trying on a pair, also, women who have bony but strong legs should be at ease with these. The only reason you shouldn't put on these is if you have extra fat on your legs which can jiggle as you walk.

3. Accessories:

Appropriate accessories can be used to highlight your best features, and take attention off the ones that are not so great. If you have a tiny waist, use a belt to highlight this. If you have a long neck, you can use necklaces to show off your neckline.

4. Jackets:

Jackets can be very practicable in concealing bulgy portions of your body and bringing the whole attire together. If you want a thin waist, you should buy a jacket that will make your shoulders seem wider, and making your waist look even slimmer in comparison.

5. Necklines:

If you have an attractive cleavage, wear a deep V neck or a halter shirt to expose it. You can also amongst a variety of necklines that are on the spring lines and check out which ones suit your features the best.

6. Silhouettes:

If you have a full figure, select dresses that don't make your appearance even bigger by wearing a loose fit. Better to select ones that really stick to your figure in the right places (like your bust line), and then burst out to give the feel of a slimmer waist. If you are midget, try to add volume to your body by wearing loose dresses.

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